1 – Fish do not have ears, but they can hear pressure changes through ridges on their body.
2 – The ear’s malleus, incus, and stapes (otherwise known as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup) are the smallest bones in the human body. All three together could fit together on a penny.
3 -The ear continues to hear sounds, even while you sleep.
4 – Sound travels at the speed of 1,130 feet per second, or 770 miles per hour.
5 – Dogs can hear much higher frequencies than humans.
6 – Ears not only help you hear but also aid in balance.
7 – Snakes hear through the jawbone and through a traditional inner ear. In essence, snakes have two distinct hearing mechanisms, which help them hear and catch prey.
8 – Sitting in front of the speakers at a rock concert can expose you to 120 decibels, which will begin to damage hearing in only 7 1/2 minutes.
9 – Thirty-seven percent of children with only minimal hearing loss fail at least one grade.
10 – Male mosquitoes hear with thousands of tiny hairs growing on their antennae.